IBEW STATE CONFERENCE CALLS ON GOVERNOR REYNOLDS TO VETO SF 603The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Iowa State Conference and its more than 10,000 skilled tradesmen and women statewide are imploring Governor Reynolds to veto SF 603 after an amendment which undercuts Iowa’s highly successful apprenticeship programs and strips local governments of their ability to ensure high-quality, safe construction work was adopted without a single public hearing.
Iowa has long been a leader in skilled workforce development and training, with a proven track record of apprenticeship programs that provide hands-on training and a pipeline to good-paying jobs. But SF 603 changes the rules, allowing out-of-state developers and unqualified contractors to undercut hardworking Iowans, winning bids based solely on the lowest cost rather than the highest standards. This is not only a direct attack on skilled labor but also a reckless gamble with taxpayer dollars and public safety.
Why should Governor Reynolds veto SF 603?
- Protecting Local Control – SF 603 takes power away from Iowa’s local governments and school districts, stripping them of the ability to set workforce training standards for their own taxpayer-funded projects. If local leaders want to require apprenticeship-trained workers for safety and quality, they should have that right.
- Defending Iowa Jobs – This bill rewards out-of-state, low-wage contractors at the expense of skilled Iowans—union and non-union alike—who have invested in proper training and certification to ensure the highest-quality work.
- Safeguarding Taxpayer Investments – Weakening construction standards leads to unsafe and subpar work, costing taxpayers even more when projects need costly repairs or rebuilds just years after completion. A race to the bottom in construction quality benefits no one.
- Protecting Federal Funding – Many local projects depend on federal incentives which require strong apprenticeship and training standards. SF 603 could jeopardize millions in federal funding for Iowa’s local governments by ignoring these requirements.
“The last-minute push to gut Iowa’s apprenticeship standards is just another attack on working Iowans,” said Matt Resor, President of the IBEW Iowa State Conference. “Since 2017, we’ve seen public sector bargaining rights stripped, unemployment benefits slashed, and project labor agreements banned. Now, SF 603 undermines the very training programs that Governor Reynolds has publicly supported. This isn’t about fairness or economic growth—it’s about handing over Iowa jobs to out-of-state, low-bid contractors with no accountability.”
“Governor Reynolds has long championed workforce development and skilled training as key to Iowa’s future. We urge her to stand by those commitments and veto SF 603. Quality work requires quality training, and Iowa taxpayers deserve better than a bill that puts safety and local jobs at risk” said Resor.
Governor Reynolds Contact Form
Governor Reynolds Office- 515-281-5211
Calling all Local 22 Kiddos! If your parent or grandparent is a member of IBEW Local 22, we want you to design the 2025 Cinco De Mayo t-shirt! Submit your original artwork in person to the Hall or via email to 22@ibew22.org by April 1, 2025. The winner will be chosen by the Executive Board.Local 22 has a new Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Provider.
The companion website, mylifematters.com is password protected. The password is located under the MEMBER HOME section of THIS website.
Thank you for your interest in employment with Local 22.IBEW Local 22 is one of 2,376 local electrical unions across the United States. We’ve been Omaha's Electrical Construction Union since 1892. We provide the skilled labor to install and maintain the area's Commercial, Industrial, Residential, and Low-Voltage electrical applications.The Local 22 Jurisdiction serves over 22 counties in Nebraska and Iowa. We also have a satellite office in Columbus, NE to serve our industrial and commercial partners more effectively.Our union is designed to provide assistance and a voice for the local electrical worker in all matters and issues that affect their lives. Matters like finding work, providing answers on health and financial benefits, or gaining access to new or additional training. The bottom line is this: Local 22 is the people in it, and the people are the union. We are always seeking new members to join our Brotherhood and start making a better life for themselves and their families.If you are currently a licensed Electrician in the state of Iowa or Nebraska and would like information on how to join IBEW Local 22, please visit our offices at 8946 L Street in Omaha, 2304 13th Street in Columbus, or contact one of our Membership Development Coordinators:
Bob Sidzyik
(402) 980-7596
Mike Modra
(402) 810-0789
Jon Nebel
(402) 973-0613
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Upcoming Events
Mar 26 Wed AA Meeting
Mar 26, 2025Local 22 Retiree's Room Second Floor 8946 L St. Omaha, NE 68127Apr 02 Wed AA Meeting
Apr 02, 2025Local 22 Retiree's Room Second Floor 8946 L St. Omaha, NE 68127Apr 04 Fri RENEW Meeting
Apr 04, 2025Community Room of the Government Affairs Building - Enter on the East side 8938 L St. Omaha,NE 68127Apr 09 Wed AA Meeting
Apr 09, 2025Local 22 Retiree's Room Second Floor 8946 L St. Omaha, NE 68127Apr 09 Wed Retired Member's Meeting
Apr 09, 2025Retired Members' Room